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PMO Klub Podcast I. episode
PMO Klub Podcast I. episode

Transformational Projects

The first episode of the PMO Club Podcast has arrived!

In today’s world, effective project management is impossible without professional project management skills, which are crucial for staying competitive. The PMO Club Podcast was created to support every project manager and leader who wants to develop their skills, regardless of the project type. In our discussions, we will cover the challenges and processes of project management, portfolio management, and project office management, all in an informal format with the most prepared professionals.

We talked about transformational projects with Balázs Federi, Project Portfolio Manager. 🎙


You can listen the 1st episode on these platforms in Hungarian


Apple Podcast: Click Here!

Google Podcast: Click Here!

YouTube: Click Here!

In the coming days, we will also release a blog post about the episode! 😊

Stay tuned… ✨

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PMO Klub Podcast II. episode

The importance of project portfolio management (PPM) with business-added value is increasingly recognized by companies, leading to its growing adoption in our country. In fact, we believe that PPM is essential for the success of any company. We aim to substantiate this with the latest episode of our PMO Club Podcast, where we spoke with Dániel Molnár, portfolio manager consultant at MVM Group, about the significance, operation, and application areas of project portfolio management. Here, we summarize the most important lessons for you!

The episode is available on the following platforms in Hungarian:


Apple Podcast: Click Here!

Google Podcast: Click Here!

YouTube: Click Here!

PMO Klub Podcast III. episode

Emotional Intelligence in Project Management | Gábor Lipi, Consultant and Trainer at Profexec

In this episode, we explore how to create appropriate emotional environments within organizations to ensure the successful completion of projects. We’ll discuss personality types, opportunities for developing emotional intelligence, agility, motivation, selection, stress management, and conflict resolution.

The program is hosted by Zoltán Sándor, Managing Partner at Profexec Services. Zoltán has decades of experience in project, portfolio, and project office management. In this episode, he discusses the human and emotional aspects of project management with Gábor Lipi, an accredited trainer by PMI at Profexec. Over the past 18 years, Gábor has assisted nearly 2500 project management professionals through training sessions and organizational development consultations, complemented by 25 years of market experience in project management.

Key topics include:

  • What is EQ?
  • Why is EQ important in the context of project management?
  • How can EQ be rationalized? What characterizes someone with high EQ – are they more empathetic than others?
  • What are the elements of EQ?
  • Personality types – how should they relate to each other?
  • Where do personality differences manifest? What are some practical examples and cases?
  • How does EQ impact Project Management, team dynamics, and project success?
  • What is the correlation between EQ, stress management, agility, project execution, and team composition?
  • How can EQ be developed at individual, team, and project team levels?
  • Recommendations for PMs, PMOs, and organizations regarding EQ development.

Stay and learn with us in current and future episodes of the PMO Club Podcast!

The episode is available on the following platforms in Hungarian:

Apple: Click Here!

Google Podcast: Click Here!

YouTube: Click Here!


PMO Klub Podcast IV. episode

The Unique Triple Bank Merger Project Experiences | Patrícia Seprődi, Managing Director of MBH Bank

In this episode, we analyze the development of the MBH bank merger. We discuss the strategic planning required for the project, its goals, and the expected outcomes. Additionally, we delve into the lessons a project manager can learn from successfully carrying out such a merger.

The show is hosted by Zoltán Sándor, Managing Partner at Profexec Services. Zoli has several decades of experience in project, portfolio, and project office management. In this episode, they discuss Hungary’s largest merger in history with Patrícia Seprődi, the Managing Director of MBH Bank. She is also the head of the Integration Management Office and the Center of Excellence, thus following the unique triple bank merger process closely and proactively from start to finish.

Main Topics:

  • What is this merger?
  • Project milestones
  • Aligning cultures
  • Risk management
  • Human factors
  • Celebrating successes/milestones
  • Managing burnout
  • Not fearing unexpected situations

The episode is available on the following platforms in Hungarian:


Apple Podcast: Click Here!

Google Podcast: Click Here!

YouTube: Click Here!

PMO Klub Podcast V. episode

How to Train Yourself as a Project Manager? – The IPMA and PMI Certification Systems

Given the current growth trends, approximately 16 million more project managers will be needed internationally by 2030. The importance of this role cannot be overstated, as quality project management is essential for maintaining production levels in any factory or plant. Project management is a multifaceted profession, and there can be significant differences between project managers. This necessitates a well-established certification system to distinguish various levels of expertise.

A good project manager should inherently have strong organizational and analytical skills. Nowadays, social competencies are even more crucial than in the past. Of course, certification is not everything, as the right attitude is also indispensable. One can be adept at overseeing and managing a system without formal certification. However, the certifications obtained from PMI and IPMA have several positive aspects that can be beneficial.

In the latest episode of the PMO Club podcast, we took a very detailed look at two such certification systems. The guests on the show were András Vikár, Operations Director at SAP Hungary, and András Luczay, Head of the Training Division at Profexec Services.

The episode is available on the following platforms in Hungarian:


Apple Podcast

Google Podcast



#project #podcast #pmi #pmo 

PMO Klub Podcast VI. episode

More and more international companies are establishing their business service centers (BSCs) in Hungary, increasing the demand for project managers in this sector. In today’s world, an innovative company is continuously growing, and it is a fundamental expectation that the right person with the right competencies is placed in the right position. However, finding all the necessary resources in time is not always possible due to dynamic environmental changes. In such cases, it is advisable to involve an external project manager.

In the latest episode of the PMO Club podcast, Adrian Pop was the guest of Zoltán Sándor. Adrian talked about the future of project management and shared his detailed experiences with external project managers.

Topics discussed in the episode:

  • What are the characteristics of a good project manager?
  • How to ensure smooth collaboration?
  • The project manager of the future

Listen to the entire conversation in English in the latest episode of the PMO Club Podcast and gain insights into the operations of service centers!

The episode is available on the following platforms:


Apple Podcast

Google Podcast



#project #podcast #pmi #pmo 

PMO Klub Podcast VII. episode

IT Portfolio and Program Management: An Intricate and Complex System within a Company

IT portfolio and program management is a highly intricate and complex system within a company. Projects, portfolios, or programs can span different areas and sectors of the company. Zoltán Tordai, the head of the MOL Group IT Strategic Program Planning team, started as an IT project manager eight years ago and also served as the Corporate ERP portfolio manager for a long time. Therefore, he has comprehensive insight into project, portfolio, and program management. This episode is particularly recommended for those interested in practical examples related to the topic from the head of the MOL Group IT Strategic Program Planning team and the host, Zoltán Sándor, CEO of Profexec Services.

Main topics discussed in the episode:

  • What do the different levels of project, program, and portfolio management mean within MOL?
  • What challenges arise in the field of program and portfolio management?
  • How does the PMO fit into project, portfolio, and program management?
  • What governance tools do you use for project, portfolio, and program management?

The episode is available on the following platforms in Hungarian:


Apple Podcast

Google Podcast


#project #podcast #pmi #pmo 

Stay and learn with us in both current and future episodes of the PMO Club Podcast!

For more useful professional content, follow our podcast and visit our website: https://profexec.com/

PMO Klub Podcast VIII. episode

It’s probably not surprising to anyone that the IT sector is currently one of the most dynamically developing areas in the corporate project portfolio. Companies are becoming increasingly dependent on IT systems and digital tools compared to a few years ago. You can gain insight into how the IT sector can perform in the life of a large multinational, international company. If you’re curious about what has happened in this field over the past few years, how it currently collaborates with other sectors within the company, or what experts envision for the future, be sure to listen to the latest episode of the PMO Club podcast, where Zoltán Sándor, the CEO of Profexec Services, talks with Miklós Gondolovics, the head of the IT Project Office at Richter Gedeon.

Stay and learn with us in both the current and future episodes of the PMO Club Podcast!

The episode is available on the following platforms in Hungarian:


Apple Podcast

Google Podcast


#project #podcast #pmi #pmo 

Stay and learn with us in both the current and future episodes of the PMO Club Podcast!

For more useful professional content, follow our podcast and visit our website: https://profexec.com/

PMO Klub Podcast IX. episode

t’s likely everyone agrees that the biggest hype today surrounds artificial intelligence (AI). It’s not just making waves in the workplace, but also increasingly permeating our daily lives. Naturally, AI can already be utilized in project management, though trust in this new technology is still developing. In the latest episode of the PMO podcast, Zoltán Sándor, CEO of Profexec Services, talks with Billal Ben-Redouane, who has extensive experience in global IT business operations and infrastructures, and profound expertise in analysis, planning, and executing initiatives in complex environments.

Stay and learn with us in both the current and future episodes of the PMO Club Podcast!

The episode is available on the following platforms in Hungarian:


Apple Podcast

Google Podcast


#project #podcast #pmi #pmo 

PMO Klub Podcast X. episode
In the latest episode of the PMO Klub Podcast, Sándor Zoltán, the CEO of Profexec Services and the show’s host, discusses with his guest, Kálmán Kovács, how crucial it is for every company to be aware of the level of project culture within their organization.

The question remains whether companies even know how to assess this and how to improve based on the results. Find out in this episode!

Stay and learn with us in the current and future episodes of the PMO Klub Podcast!

The episode is available on the following platforms:


Apple Podcast

Google Podcast


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