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Agilis szerződéskötések kihívásai
Agilis szerződéskötések kihívásai

Szeretettel meghívunk minden kedves érdeklődőt a következő PMO Klub eseményre ami 2024 október 17-én 17:00-18:00 között online kerül megrendezésre!

Az előadás témája

Agilis szerződéskötések kihívásai: miben más egy beszállítói szerződés, ha a szerződő felek agilisan kívánnak együttműködni? Hogyan készüljünk fel egy ilyen típusú szerződés megkötésére?


  • Bemutatkozás
  • Nemzetközi kitekintés
  • Hagyományos szerződéses technikák problémái
  • Példák alternatív szerződés típusokra
  • Felkészülés a sikeres agilis szerződéses folyamatra
  • Kérdések

Előadó: Merkl Gabriella, Menedzser, KPMG Tanácsadói Kft.

Helyszín : Teams

Az előadáson való részvételi szándékot az alábbi email címen szükséges jelezni, hogy el tudjuk küldeni az esemény linkjét:

Ezen felül javasoljuk a csatlakozást a Linkedin csoportunkba is : https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12357790/

Reméljük hogy számos résztvevő lesz az eseményen és hasznos tapasztalattal és tudással gyarapodhatunk!

Várjuk a jelentkezéseket!


PMO Klub© team

AI in Project Management

We would invite you to our PMO Klub event which will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM with both on-site and online participation options available!

Theme of event: AI In project management


· Introduction

· Basics – What is AI, what does and doesn’t it know – case studies

·  Foundation of prompting- using LLM-s like ChatGPT, and using the PMI Infinity in practice

·  Collaboration tools- eg. MS Copilot best practices for corporate and personal usage

·   Strategy, the field where AI can help a lot

·   QA, ideas, tips

Presenters: Billal Ben-Redounane, MSc, PMP®, MI consultant, Senior Project Manager, PMI Hungary Vice president

Location: Agora HUB 3 office building – 1133 Budapest, Esztergomi út 31-39.

Participation is subject to prior registration. If you plan to attend online, please indicate during registration.

Please notify us of your intention to participate in the PMO Club at

We hope that once again, there will be many of us, and we will gain numerous useful, practical advice during the event!

We also welcome you to join our LinkedIn group if you are not already a member: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12357790/

We look forward to your application!

Best regards,

The PMO Klub© team

External Project management (PM) in multinational environment -client and vendor view

We would invite you to our PMO Klub event which will be held on Thursday, June 13, 2024, from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM with both on-site and online participation options available!

Theme of event: External Project management (PM) in multinational environment -client and vendor view


·                 What is the motivation for a multinational company for involving external PMs? What makes an external PM succesful?

·                 How to manage the PM from client and vendor side? How to select the best PM for the job?

·                 Why is special a multinational environement?

·                 What are the challenges of remote project management?

·                 What tools can used for project success?How stakeholder management to be done in multinational environment.

·                 Role of project sponsor

·                 In which direction project management is evolving and what is the requirement toward a future PM?

·                 QA

Presenters: Adrian Pop, Invoice Automation Lead / Global Supplier Enablement Lead Roche; Zoltan Sandor, Managing Partner, Profexec Services

Location: Agora HUB 3 office building – 1133 Budapest, Esztergomi út 31-39.

Participation is subject to prior registration. If you plan to attend online, please indicate during registration.

Please notify us of your intention to participate in the PMO Club at

We hope that once again, there will be many of us, and we will gain numerous useful, practical advice during the event!

We also welcome you to join our LinkedIn group if you are not already a member: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12357790/

We look forward to your application!

Best regards,

The PMO Klub© team

Project portfolio management in the MVM group in an extreme economic environment


1. Presentation of the MVM Group through the project portfolio

2. Operational principles of group-wide project portfolio management (MVM Group portfolio management organization; framework management principles, central monitoring of projects, portfolio resource structure)

3. Application of project portfolio planning methodologies in the constantly changing market environment (defining top-down budgets along scenarios, portfolio prioritization, monitoring of grants)

SAP implementations with project management glasses – Deloitte, SAP conference


  • SAP specific project management challenges in domestic, global, international projects
  • Navigating the maze of methodologies and support tools
  • Tips and tricks for SAP project managers
  • Questions and answers

The presentation will be given by Tamás Ankucza, Technology Consulting Manager at Deloitte.

Agile transformations, Agile projects: How does this become a real value and not just a fashionable slogan?

Every day we feel more and more that we live in an extremely complex and rapidly changing world. Globalization processes and today’s events have radically changed the lives and entire industries of billions in a short period of time. In such situations, it is essential that we have an approach that helps us to manage changes flexibly and to create the most value in these circumstances.

In Hungary, agile transformations of large enterprises have started in recent years. At first, typically in software development teams, later in organizations with thousands of employees, as well as in financial, HR and other fields. Through case studies, we look at the main agile organizational development strategies we can see in the Hungarian market.

In an agile environment, the role of project managers also changes: transparent communication, strategic approach and the willingness to work with self-organizing-cross-functional teams are further appreciated. In the presentation, we will show you how to successfully put the agile approach into practice through examples that can be used by project managers, thus successfully managing rapid and complex changes.

PMO development based on project culture maturity survey and stakeholder feedback


  • PMO Baccalaureate Survey Method/Results
  • MOL specific methods and results
  • PMO development project I. foundation, goals, results – Preparation for a bigger step
  • PMO WS, Rethinking Project II Plans – Taking a Bigger Step
  • How can we get leaders to adopt our development ideas?
Resource management challenges and support – SAP

Many external employees, experts and consultants are involved in the implementation of complex projects. The proper monitoring of external workers and the accounting of services are challenges in all projects. Who, when, where, how much work do/do? What objects, what systems do you have access to, and what tools have we made available to you? Does it pose a security risk? Do you have the qualifications you need to do the job? If so, how long do they apply? These and similar questions are answered by the new Vendor Management System (VMS). Among them, the market-leading SAP FieldGlass solution stands out, which can help project and program managers in all of the above challenges– and much more.


  1. Greeting- Sándor Zoltán – Profexec, Managing Director, Vikár András – SAP Hungary, Chief Operating Officer
  2. Support for resource management processes Zsolt Bárány SAP Hungary, Business Manager – Procurement Solutions
  3. Understanding sap fieldglass solution from the perspective of PMO (english perfomance) Brian Rygaard – SAP, Senior solution advisor
  4. Q&A + Networking
Super computers- super project management?

By 2022, a new supercomputer will be built in Hungary, which will significantly increase the capacity currently available by 10 times the hungarian HPC infrastructure. Building a new HPC is a big challenge, especially in a state administrative environment, but perhaps even more challenging for users, since while HPC is already a well-known tool in the university sphere, it is a ground that is fundamentally unknown to market participants, but it is also a new opportunity to use super computing. The event will explore these project management and professional challenges.

Overview of project management ratings and practical experience -IPMA and PMI

During the presentation we talked about general ratings, IPMA and PMI ratings emphasized on the subject, individually and in comparison. We went through the processes, both in time and in preparation, what is needed to obtain different certificates.

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